
Chinese massage therapy is the generic term used for all tissue and manipulation techniques currently used in China.

It not only includes the manipulation of external skin, muscles, tendons, joints, nerves and fascia but also the internal organs and Traditional Chinese Medicine internal systems.

Like all traditional Chinese medicine, it was primarily used as a preventative treatment but now is more commonly used to treat injuries and diseases. It primarily focuses on improving the structural alignment of the body and treating soft tissue injuries. Like acupuncture it can also correct any deviant functions of the internal organs, nerves and joints.

It is divided into six different schools of instruction.

Jie Gu is the manipulation and resetting of broken bones.

Zheng Gu is the manipulation and realignment of bones, vertebra and joints.

Tui Na focuses on external tissue manipulations such as adjustment of muscles and tendons.

Gua Sha is used to regulate febrile and pathogenic conditions such as Common cold, fever, excessive heat trapped in the skin causing rash and pimples.

An Mo focuses primarily on internal visceral regulation, concentrating directly on the treatment of specific internal diseases.

Zhi Ya is used for channel and internal organ regulation. It is acupuncture using finger techniques to promote Qi and blood circulation, balance the bodies Yin and Yang energy, tonify weak organs, clear the meridians and expel pathogenic factors.